In the wake of devastating wildfires that destroyed parts of Los Angeles, real estate agent Jenna Cooper spearheaded a donation drive to help those in need. What started as a request for clothing and items from friends quickly spread through a network of influential women in Hollywood. Actresses such as Sharon Stone, Halle Berry, and others donated clothing and accessories from their personal collections to help displaced individuals. Cooper, who runs a home goods store called +COOP, cleared out half of her store to create a pop-up shopping experience for those affected by the fires.
The initiative received support from a wide range of individuals in Los Angeles, including actors, executives, lawyers, restaurant owners, and moms. The donations ranged from basic essentials like underwear to designer items from brands like Gucci and Ferragamo. One Hollywood stylist volunteered to help organize the store for shoppers over the weekend, showcasing the outpouring of support for those in need.
The store became a place not just for picking up items, but also for emotional support, with therapy dog Jackie Robinson greeting visitors at the door. For some, like Ellen Bennett, whose mother lost her home in the fires, the donations provided much-needed basics like socks, sweaters, and shoes. The sense of community and support in the face of tragedy was palpable as individuals came together to help each other in a time of need.
Cooper expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming response to her idea, emphasizing that Los Angeles is a city of love where everyone is willing to support each other in times of crisis. The generosity and compassion shown by those who donated and volunteered showcase the strength and unity of the community in the face of adversity.
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