Veteran actor Nagarjuna, who is turning 66 this year, has shared his secrets to maintaining his impressive physique at 65. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Nagarjuna revealed that he exercises five to six days a week for almost an hour each morning, combining weight training and cardio. He believes in staying active throughout the day, enjoying activities like swimming and playing golf to keep fit and maintain mental well-being.
Nagarjuna emphasized the importance of consistency in his fitness routine, stating that working out is his first priority as soon as he wakes up. He follows an intense workout regime and fuels his body with the right foods to stay energetic and healthy. The actor also shared some fitness tips, including keeping your heartbeat above a certain level to maintain high metabolism throughout the day.
In terms of diet, Nagarjuna follows an intermittent fasting method and maintains a balanced approach to eating. He allows himself cheat meals on Sundays to indulge in his favorite foods like Hyderabadi biryani and chocolates. Nagarjuna starts his day with a morning workout, probiotics, and caffeine, emphasizing the importance of mental well-being through activities like golf and swimming.
Overall, Nagarjuna’s dedication to fitness, healthy lifestyle choices, and commitment to staying active serve as an inspiration for individuals of all ages looking to maintain a sound mind and a fit body.
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