The Mississippi Civil Rights Museum hosted the first screening of “Farming Freedom,” a documentary directed by WLBT’s Kayla Thomas, showcasing the history of African American farmers in the state. The film follows the struggles of black farmers from post-enslavement land ownership battles to present-day challenges.
The story is told through the perspective of Henry Harris, a retired second-generation farmer whose father managed to acquire and maintain farmland despite discriminatory practices during the Jim Crow era. Harris, surrounded by his family and friends, expressed his gratitude for being able to witness his family’s history on screen.
The documentary sheds light on the historical injustices faced by black farmers, such as land dispossession and discrimination in loan programs by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Harris and others involved in the film hope to educate younger generations about the struggles faced by African American farmers and the importance of preserving their heritage.
Director Kayla Thomas aims to secure funding to make “Farming Freedom” available to the public by April 2025. The documentary is expected to have a significant impact on viewers, especially those with a connection to land ownership and a desire to understand the significance of the struggles faced by black farmers throughout history.
For more news from WLBT, subscribe to their newsletter. If you spot any errors in the story, please report them to ensure accuracy. “Farming Freedom” is a powerful documentary that highlights the resilience and determination of Mississippi’s African American farmers and their ongoing fight for freedom and equality.
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