Kidzu Theater is proud to announce the opening of Young Frankenstein, a comedic musical based on the classic Mel Brooks film. The production brings to life the story of Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, a descendant of the infamous Victor Frankenstein, as he inherits his family’s estate in Transylvania. With the help of a hunchbacked sidekick, an over-affectionate lab assistant, and a beautiful lab assistant, Dr. Frankenstein attempts to bring a dead body back to life.
The production features a talented cast of young actors who bring humor and energy to their roles. Director Sarah Smith is excited to bring this beloved story to the stage and hopes to capture the magic of the original film while adding her own unique twist.
Young Frankenstein is a hilarious and heartwarming show that will appeal to audiences of all ages. With catchy songs, clever dialogue, and memorable characters, this production promises to entertain and delight theatergoers.
Kidzu Theater is dedicated to providing high-quality theater experiences for children and families in Mississippi. The theater’s mission is to inspire creativity and imagination through live performances and educational programs. Young Frankenstein is just one example of the exciting and innovative productions that Kidzu Theater has to offer.
Tickets for Young Frankenstein are now on sale, and the show will run for a limited time at Kidzu Theater. Don’t miss your chance to see this fun and entertaining production – get your tickets today!
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